Quality Initiatives
The National Síolta Aistear Initiative (NSAI) has been developed to provide central support and coordination of Síolta and Aistear implementation across the early childhood sector. The initiative has two strands. The first will focus on Síolta, including the introduction of Síolta awareness raising workshops and the expansion of the Síolta Quality Assurance Programme (QAP). The second strand relates to Aistear, and will see the development of workshops and coaching to support practitioners to use Aistear in their setting. Carlow CCC under the NSAI offer the following support to Early years services in Carlow:
- The Síolta Aistear Practice guide Introductory Workshop
- Síolta awareness raising workshops
- Aistear Workshops
- Aistear Síolta Mentor support
- Síolta Quality Awareness Programme (QAP)