This page holds the current information & supports available for your ELC/SAC service to support your engagement now and in the future with Ukrainian families. As you are aware many families and children have now relocated to Carlow County. Some of you may already have Ukrainian children in your service or are receiving queries in relation to childcare options or may do so in the near future. The following resources are available to you to use when engaging with Ukrainian families;

Information on the library services in Co. Carlow with Ukrainian & Russian translation Library Leaflet.

First 5 – Resources for Practice (Updated September 25th 2023)

This page contains a number of resources and supports to guide and assist educators and practitioners in relation to supporting children’s well-being, learning and development.



Please find a link below to a Padlet noticeboard created by Clare CCC which has relevant, categorised resources which may be useful to support you in your work with Ukrainian families. This webpage will be updated regularly with new resources. New posts will appear at the top of each column under any pinned items.


As relevant resources become available to us we will circulate them to you. If you have any queries from parents and require assistance with them please do not hesitate to contact one of the team at Carlow CCC on 059 9140244