Tusla Portal Available for First Time Since Cyber-Attack on HSE Systems

Tusla – Child and Family Agency is happy to advise that the Portal for referrals (and other useful actions) is now available, marking another major milestone in the recovery from the cyber-attack on HSE systems.

Speaking about the progress made, Bernard Gloster, CEO, Tusla said: “I’m delighted to say that from today, and ahead of time, our referral portal that facilitates child protection and welfare referrals is available for the first time since the cyber-attack, which caused significant damage to our operating systems.

Achieving this step sooner than expected took huge effort, skill, and dedication from our ICT team, the HSE ICT, and partners. We continue at pace in our efforts to get back to normality and this latest achievement, coupled with the recent restoration of the National Childcare Information System sets us well on that path.”

The Tusla Portal also provides for:

  • Early Years registrations for early years, school-age care, and childminder services etc.
  • Funding applications for providers of child and family related services etc.
  • School returns for student absence reports and annual attendance reports etc.

We’d ask anyone with a concern to use the Portal where possible but people can of course still contact their local duty social work office if they don’t wish to use the Portal. The Portal can be accessed at: https://portal.tusla.ie and details of local duty social work offices can be found at: www.tusla.ie