AIM Level 5 Equipment – Transfer of Ownership

Dear Service Provider,

AIM Level 5 Equipment – Transfer of Ownership

Following the transition of AIM Level 5, the Transfer of Ownership process for AIM Level 5 equipment will open in February 2025 on the Early Years Hive.

The Transfer of Ownership of equipment from Pobal and DCEDIY to the relevant party occurs at the end of the child’s participation in the ECCE programme. The completion of this process will determine the destination and ownership of the Level 5 equipment item.

As per the AIM rules, section 7.20 “ELC services and parent(s)/guardian(s) must engage with Pobal in relation to the transfer of ownership of equipment (including returning signed transfer of ownership forms, as appropriate).

Equipment provided under AIM Level 5 should not be removed from the pre-school until the transfer of ownership process is completed.”

How to Guide and recordings of the Training Webinars are available in the Help & Support section on the Early Years Hive.

If you require any additional information or support, please submit a request using the following categories:

  • Programme: AIM Level 5
  • Request Type: Equipment
  • Request Type Detail: Transfer of Ownership

The Early Years Team

Removal of child name-validation from NCS CHICK registration

Dear Service Provider,

We are pleased to announcement that the following improvements were released onto the Early Years Hive following last Thursday’s scheduled updates to the portal.
Removal of child name-validation from NCS CHICK registration
The process of retrieving a CHICK / registering a child for the National Childcare Scheme (NCS) on the Early Years Hive has been simplified.
When registering a child for NCS, you must still enter the child’s first and last name, their date of birth and the CHICK number. However, now the system will only validate the date of birth and the CHICK number.
This means you will no longer be blocked from completing the registration and therefore required to contact the Early Years Provider Centre (EYPC), if the child’s name being input differs from the name used by the parent/guardian on their NCS application form.
Early Years Hive banner notification
An ‘Important notification’ banner is now available to display urgent messages to service providers on the Early Years Hive, such as scheduled maintenance, application deadlines, Force Majeure reminders, etc.
The image gives you an idea of how it looks on the Early Years Hive.
This new function was made in response to the EYPC Customer Survey. We ask that you continue to share your feedback if selected to complete this survey as it helps us to improve our services.
There is no change to the Announcement page, which is where you should go to check for more detailed information.
The Early Years Team


Mid-term Break Updates:


Dear Service Provider,

As services are closed for the mid-term on Thursday 20 February and Friday 21 February, with the option to extend to a five-day break, it may be necessary to make the following changes on your Early Years Hive.

We advise making any necessary changes as soon as possible to ensure there are no issues when returns are submitted and payments processed.


NCS: Service Calendar and Returns

If your service is closed for part or all of the week, you must mark the closures on your NCS service calendar accordingly. You must also note whether it is a subsidised (paid) closure or not.

For more information, please see ‘How to add a closure’ on the NCS Service Calendar section of Help & Support.

For school-aged/ECCE children, if you are increasing their hours during mid-term, please ensure you do not forget to amend the hours for children whose hours reduce after mid-term. NCS subsidy hours cannot be claimed for hours that a child is in school or ECCE, or hours that your service is closed, and any over-claims are liable to be recouped.

NCS returns must be submitted on the Early Years Hive each week. Returns become available from the last day (Sunday) of the reporting week and must be completed by the following Tuesday and are based on the previous week’s attendance. If a return is not submitted within the required timeframe, all subsidy payments will be suspended until it is submitted.

Changes cannot be made to service calendar opening hours or claim hours once a return for that week has been submitted on the Early Years Hive.

If you require further assistance, please raise a Request using the following categories, ensuring that you include the CHICK number in the request:

  • Programme: NCS
  • Request Type: NCS Calendar
  • Request Type Details: General


NCS Bridging payments

A ‘Bridging Payment’ is available to service providers during periods of subsidised closure, if they are unavailable to submit their weekly NCS return i.e., mid-term breaks, Christmas etc.

When submitting the NCS return that is two weeks before the subsidised closure period, the Hive recognises the closure coming up and asks the following: “You have an upcoming closure, do you want to request a Bridging Payment for the dates from “X” to “Z”? (Yes/No)” .

If yes is selected, the payment is made during the week the service is closed i.e. when they are unable to submit their returns. The service must then submit ‘Fast returns’ for this period when they return after the closure.

Important: Please keep claims active at all stages. Please do not amend calendars in regard to bridging payments unless the hours of the service have changed for that period. Example: Normal opening hours 9am – 5pm however over the mid-term opening hours 2pm – 6pm.

For guidance on returns, please see the NCS Attendance Returns Guide.


ECCE: Service Calendar

Providers in contract for the ECCE programme are reminded that changes to service calendars must be first approved by County Childcare Committees (CCCs) and parents must be given 20 working days’ notice in writing of any change to the service’s calendar.

Copies of such notices must be kept on file for compliance purposes.

Approved providers in contract for the ECCE Programme must be open for a minimum of 38 weeks (or 182 days) over the programme year.

For further information on service calendars, please contact your local CCC or refer to the ECCE Service Calendar section of Help & Support.

If you require further assistance, please raise a Request using the following categories:

  • Programme: ECCE
  • Request Type: ECCE Calendar
  • Request Type Details: General


CCSP Saver Programme: Amending Sessions (e.g. a child is moving from part-time to full-time)

If a registration is changing and needs to be updated from part-time to full-time, please input a CCSP Leaver with the date the child is changing service level. A new registration should then be created with the updated level of service for the appropriate period, within 6 weeks of the start date of the new registration. 

Please see ‘How to end/add a CCSP Saver Programme child registration’ on the CCSP child registration section of Help & Support for guidance.

If you require further assistance, please raise a Request using the following categories:

  • Programme: CCSP
  • Request Type: Registrations
  • Request Type Details: Leaver

Early Years Team

Upcoming Diversity Equality and Inclusion Training


Please see information on Carlow CCC upcoming Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion training. Note: Attendance at this training can be used towards hours under Equal Start and included on QIPP.

Email to book a place.

NPC Free Online Webinars: Supporting Your Child’s Transition from Preschool to Primary School

Dear Community,


The transition from preschool to primary school is a significant milestone for children and their families. To help support you during this time, the National Parents Council (NPC), in collaboration with the National Council for Special Education (NCSE), is offering free online training sessions designed to provide practical advice and guidance.


📅 Session Dates and Times:

  • Monday, 10th February at 7.30pm
  • Tuesday, 11th February at 10am
  • Wednesday, 12th February at 7.30pm
  • Friday, 14th February at 10am

Session Details:
These sessions will be held online via Zoom and are structured into two parts:
1️⃣ Main Session – Led by an NPC trainer, this session will last approximately 70 minutes, providing practical strategies to support your child’s transition to primary school.
2️⃣ Optional NCSE Session – Following the main session, a Special Education Needs Officer (SENO) from the NCSE will deliver a 20-minute presentation on their role in primary schools and how they support children with special educational needs.


This optional session may be particularly helpful for parents of children with additional learning needs, but all parents are welcome to attend.


How to Register:
To join any of these free sessions, simply register using the link below. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Register Here





AIM Level 1 2024 reminder

​Dear Service Provider

AIM Level 1 2024 reminder – It is still possible for services with new and existing Graduates of LINC to submit your AIM Level 1 application.

As AIM Level 1 is an annual application, if you currently have a qualified LINC graduate working in your service as an Inclusion Coordinator and have not submitted your AIM Level 1 2024 application, then we encourage you to apply for the 2024/2025 programme call.


Please note: AIM level 1 funding will commence from the Monday following approval of your application. 

 Applications must be submitted via the AIM Level 1 applications page of the Early Years Hive. Applicant guidelines can be found here.

Should you have any queries in relation to the AIM Level 1 application process, please contact the Early Years Provider Centre by raising a Request using the following categories:

  • Programme: AIM Level 1
  • Request type: Application
  • Request type detail: How To

The Early Years Team

Childminding Development Grants for 2025

Minister Foley urges childminders in County Carlow to avail of equipment grant

04 February 2025

Norma Foley, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth is today calling on all childminders in County Carlow to avail of the 2025 Childminding Development Grant.

The Childminding Development Grant provides up to €1,000 to assist both registered and unregistered childminders who are providing a childminding service in their own homes.

In 2024, the grants Childminders in County Carlow received assisted them in enhancing the quality and safety in their service through the purchase of toys, childcare equipment, safety equipment, equipment to support inclusion and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Maths (STEAM) education. The grant was also used for the purchase of IT equipment to assist childminders to engage with training and registration processes.

The grant scheme is open to all childminders, including those who are planning to open a childminding business during 2025. 75% of the grant is paid in advance to help childminders with the upfront costs of purchasing equipment.

Making today’s announcement, Minister Foley said:

“I am delighted to announce the launch of the 2025 Childminding Development Grant as one of the first actions in my term of office as Minister.

“Childminders play an essential part in the provision of childcare in all parts of the country, and I am fully committed to recognising and supporting their important role, and to following through on the National Action Plan for Childminding 2021-2028.

“I encourage childminders in County Carlow to avail of this funding opportunity, whether they are already registered or would like support in advance of registration over the next couple of years.

“The Childminding Development Grant provides funding for quality and safety equipment and can also be used to contribute to IT equipment.”

The total budget of €500,000 reflects the high demand for the grant in previous years. It also reflects the Government’s commitment to support childminders to prepare for registration with Tusla. In line with the National Action Plan for Childminding 2021-2028, regulations written specifically for childminders came into effect for the first time in September 2024, making it possible for all childminders to register with Tusla and take part in the National Childcare Scheme (NCS).

Those childminders who were previously exempt from regulation have a three-year transition period until 2027 during which they are now able to register with Tusla but are not yet required to do so.

For further information about the Childminding Development Grant or the National Action Plan for Childminding 2021-2028, visit or contact your local City or County Childcare Committee.

Áine Gahan from Carlow County Childcare Committee, said:

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth’s Childminding Development Grant has been a huge benefit to many childminders in County Carlow, helping potential Childminders with initial set up costs and assisting existing Childminders in providing a quality childminding service.’’

Any current or potential childminder with any questions about applying for the grant is welcome to contact us on 059 914 0244.”

Applications for the 2025 Childminding Development Grant opened on Tuesday, 4 February and will close on Friday, 4 April.