Changes to Covid-19 testing and contact tracing for children under 13 years come into effect from today

HSE Public Health Update: Changes to the Management of
Covid-19 Cases & Contacts in Children
DCEDIY has written to providers about the changes to Covid-19 testing and contact tracing for children.
Dear Provider,
We are writing to you today regarding the attached update and FAQ documents from the HSE for Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School Age Childcare (SAC) managers and school principals on the changes to Covid-19 testing and contact tracing for children, 3 months to under 13 years (and inclusive of all children attending primary school).
Over a short transition period the HSE public health dedicated helpline for ELC/SAC services – 01-5119777 will remain open if you have a confirmed case of Covid-19.
The National Covid-19 out of hours helpline 1800 940341 will also remain available from 10am-4pm on Saturday and Sunday.
If you have any general queries please contact your local City and County Childcare Committee ( for support.
Kind regards,
Early Years Communications Team
Early Years Division
Both the update and FAQ documents are on our website:…/