Press release 21st October 2021-Minister O’Gorman announces Online ‘Festival of Learning’ on the theme of Fairer Futures

The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, T.D., today announced a series of online webinars aimed at the theme of addressing disadvantage. Developed under the What Works initiative, this is the second ‘Festival of Learning’ and will focus on delivering fairer futures for children, young people and families in Ireland.

The webinars will spotlight key initiatives which are addressing disadvantage in Ireland and internationally, as well as hosting discussions with ground-breaking policymakers, practitioners and thinkers who work and study in this area. It will highlight the role of the State, but also showcase the innovative work of individuals and organisations outside Government, in Ireland and abroad.

Four seminars are planned on:

All those working in children and young people’s sectors are welcome to attend, but online registration in advance is essential.

Minister O’Gorman said:

“Addressing the impact of disadvantage on children, young people and families is a key priority for me. I am pleased to announce this series of webinars, which will stimulate serious discussion about the role of Government and society in addressing this critical area. I know we will all benefit from the views of leading international experts, and our own policymakers and practitioners who are delivering for those in greatest need.”

This second Festival of Learning, entitled Fairer Futures, is taking place as part of What Works, an initiative designed by the Department, and funded through Dormant Accounts, to maximise the impact of prevention and early intervention to improve outcomes for children and young people living in Ireland. More details of each seminar are available on the What Works website and all those interested should register HERE.

Key international speakers and contributors to the sessions include Minister Roderic O’Gorman, Professor Kate Pickett (University of York), Olivier Thévenon (OECD Centre for Well-Being, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunity), Professor Mark Brown (National Digital Learning Centre at DCU), and Massimiliano Mascherini (Eurofound).

Addressing disadvantage is important to all of society, and this event will be of interest to those in Government and outside Government who wish to learn more about this important mission. The event will be approachable, conversational, and lively. It will be moderated by Áine Kerr, an experienced editor, lecturer, platform executive, executive coach, broadcaster, and entrepreneur who has presented ‘Reignite’ on Radio 1 and ‘The Business’ on RTÉ.