Press release 27/01/2022 Minister O’Gorman announces consultation on next national policy framework for children & young people

Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, T.D., today announced the launch of a consultation seeking the public’s views on the next national policy framework for children and young people.

Last week, Minister O’Gorman published the final Annual Report for the ‘Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures (BOBF) National Policy Framework for Children and Young People’. The next national policy will run from 2023 to 2028 and will build on the successes of previous strategies in improving outcomes for children and young people living in Ireland. It will involve Government Departments working collaboratively with statutory agencies and services, and the community and voluntary sectors to achieve the five national outcomes outlined in Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures.

This is the first of a range of consultations that will be carried out in the design and development of this new policy framework and will help identify the key issues for children, young people and their families. It will help to guide further consultations over the development of the new policy.

Launching the consultation, Minister O’Gorman said:

“I welcome this open consultation and hope that as many people as possible respond and give us their views. We want to hear from parents, from those working with and for children and young people and of course from children and young people themselves. I would particularly encourage children and young people to get involved and have your say through the survey or the mailbox. Tell us what is good and what is not so good in your lives, and what you think would make things better.

“This policy framework will set out the vision and priorities for the next five years, it will have a real impact on the systems and services that support children, young people and families. The knowledge and experience of parents and those working with or for children and young people will help us to develop a framework that delivers positive outcomes for children and young people, and will guide targeted consultations over the next six months.

“Use the survey or send us your views through the mailbox – send in pictures or drawings if you prefer. The most important thing is to get involved and give us your views.

“I am looking forward to seeing this policy framework develop over the next year. With the assistance of other key Government Departments and statutory agencies, our partners in the Community and Voluntary sector, and, most importantly, parents, children and young people, we will make the improvements and changes needed to ensure that Ireland is a great place in which to grow up and raise a family.”