Aistear- The Journey Continues, Saturday 6th May, 9.30am to 2pm, DCU, Dublin 9.

Aistear- The Journey Continues

On Saturday 6th May 2023, you are invited to discuss, share and engage with research and practices that emerged from the recent review of literature to support the updating of Aistear, the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework completed by researchers and academics at DCU Institute of Education.


This engaging and interactive event will include seminars, small group workshops and showcasing of practice that provide an opportunity to consider how research and evidence informs and enhances curriculum development in an Irish context.


Join us for an exciting day of knowledge exchange, critical reflection, practical workshops and connection with friends, allies and colleagues in early childhood care and education.

DATE:                Saturday 6th May 2023

TIME:                 9.30am- 2pm

WHERE:             DCU Institute of Education, Drumcondra, Dublin 9



Aistear – Leanann an t-aistear

Cuirtear fáilte mhór romhat freastal ar ócáid speisialta a bheidh dírithe ar an taighde agus ar na cleachtais a eascraíonn as léirmheas litríochta a rinne grúpa taighdeoirí in Institiúid Oideachais Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath d’fhonn tacú le huasdátú a dhéanamh ar Aistear: Creatchuraclam na Luath-Óige. Beidh an ócáid speisialta ar siúl ar an Satharn an 6 Bealtaine 2023.

Is ócáid spreagúil agus idirghníomhach a bheidh ann ina mbeidh seimineáir, ceardlanna i ngrúpaí beaga agus samplaí praiticiúla de dhea-chleachtais. Tabharfar deis do rannpháirtithe machnamh a dhéanamh ar an gcaoi a chuireann taighde agus eolas atá fianaise-bhunaithe barr feabhais ar fhorbairt curaclaim i gcomhthéacs na hÉireann.

Ba mhór againn tú a bheith linn ar an lá spreagúil seo le heolas a roinnt, machnamh criticiúil a dhéanamh agus páirt a ghlacadh i gcomhráite le cairde agus comhghleacaithe i gcúram agus in oideachas na luath-óige.

DÁTA:                   Dé Sathairn 6 Bealtaine 2023

AM:                       9.30 r.n.- 2 i.n.

ÁIT:                       Institiúid Oideachais, DCU


Grainne McKenna

Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Education

Scoil na Teanga, na Litearthachta agus an Oideachas Luathóige

School of Language, Literacy and Early Childhood Education


Institiúid Oideachais OCBÁC       DCU Institute of Education

Campas Phádraig OCBÁC             DCU St Patrick’s Campus

Droim Conrach                                Drumcondra

Baile Átha Cliath 9                          Dublin 9



Tel:                       01 700 9044



Recent Publications

Scanlon, G., Radeva, S., McKenna, G., & Maguire, C. (2022). Together from kindergarten: Exploring quality to inform inclusion in early childhood settings in Bulgaria. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 0(0), 1–18.


Murphy, S., McKenna, G., Downes, P. (2019). Educational Gaps and Future Solutions: A study of the holistic educational needs and experiences of a sample of homeless men in Dublin aged 18-38 Years. Dublin: Peter McVerry Trust.


Scanlon, G., McKenna, G. (2018). Home Works: A study on the educational needs of children experiencing homelessness and living in emergency accommodation. Dublin: Children’s Rights Alliance.


O’Sullivan, C., Maguire, J., Hayes, N., O’Sullivan, S., Corcoran, L., & McKenna, G. (2018). The wonder project: An early years arts education project with Traveller mothers and their children. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 1-27. doi:10.1080/1350293X.2018