Minister O’Gorman announces approved National Play Day 2024 funding

Press release

Minister O’Gorman announces approved National Play Day 2024 funding

From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

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• 30 Local Authorities were successful in their application and will each receive funding of €3,000

Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, today announced that €90,000 has been approved to support National Play Day 2024.

This year, National Play Day can take place on any day or combination of days between July 13th and 21st (inclusive).

The aim of National Play Day is to promote play opportunities for children and young people all across the country, with this year’s theme being ‘Time to Play!’. This theme recognises the importance of both making and taking playful opportunities in your day.

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth received applications from 30 Local Authorities for this funding. All applicants qualified for the maximum amount of funding available – €3,000 per Local Authority.

The funding will enable Local Authorities to provide play opportunities for a diverse range of children and young people in the community.

Among the items funded are active play packs that target a number of harder to reach children, including; children with additional needs, children at risk of play deprivation and children in temporary accommodation. This is alongside a variety of outdoor community events across the country.

Welcoming the announcement, Minister O’ Gorman said:

“National Play Day is more than just a day of fun, it’s a celebration of the fundamental role that Play has in all of our lives. Through play, children learn to navigate the world and develop their social skills. Play is essential for their physical, emotional and cognitive growth.

By dedicating a day to play, we are recognising its importance, and encouraging communities to come together and make time for play”.

Notes to Editor:

The aim of National Play Day is to promote play opportunities for children all across the country. The DCEDIY received applications from 30 Local Authorities, all of which met the standard for awarding of funding. Each Local Authority that applied under this grant scheme will receive funding of €3,000.

The National Play Day grant provides funds to Local Authorities in order to allow them create and host play and recreational opportunities for children and young people in their communities.

National Play Day funding can also be utilised by Local Authorities to purchase and distribute play packs to children and young people. These play packs are targeted at children in the wider community in addition to children who may have fewer play opportunities.

This year, 30 local authorities successfully applied for funding under this scheme; details of these applications can be found here.