Playful Families

From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

Playful families are a wonderful way of getting parents, carers and families to feel more confident and able to facilitate play opportunities in and around their homes and also outside, so that children will have more fulfilling and wide ranging play experiences.

Below are links to some great resource guides from our kind friends in Scotland which show how to support the creativity for playful families:

Rainy Days Ideas:

We all know that Summer is not always guaranteed but that can’t stop children from having fun and exploring their playful and creative sides. Here is a list of some fun indoor ideas for children of all ages to enjoy when it’s raining:

• Hide and Seek

• Blanket and Pillow fort

• Baking

• Painting, arts and crafts, colouring

• Make paper aeroplanes

• Play Simon Says

• Indoor picnic

• Enjoy a good

• Tea party

• Reading

• Write short stories

• Create an indoor obstacle course

• Plan an indoor scavenger hunt