Minister Rabbitte announces next funding call under the €3.5m Disability and Participation Awareness Fund 2024

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From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

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Minister of State with responsibility for Disability, Anne Rabbitte, has launched the next call for applications to the Disability Participation and Awareness Fund.

The primary aim of this Fund is to support the participation and inclusion of people with disabilities in their local communities around Ireland. A total of €3.5 million has been allocated to the Fund this year. Applications are being invited under four thematic strands. Applications are particularly encouraged from organisations led by people with disabilities. In addition to cash grants, non-financial support will also be provided, which will be tailored to each project/organisation, and will be aimed at building its capacity and increasing its impact.

Strand 1

Supporting community, sports and physical participation: Funding projects/organisations that improve and encourage the accessibility of, and participation in, community life for disabled persons.

Strand 2

Supporting participation in arts and cultural activities: Funding projects/organisations supporting arts and cultural activities, particularly those that foster awareness of the lived experiences of people with disabilities and that support the participation of people with disabilities in arts and culture.

Strand 3

Supporting employment and apprenticeships: Funding social enterprise initiatives to provide valuable employment experience or apprenticeships to people with disabilities.

Strand 4

Supporting projects/initiatives in the area of neurodiversity: Funding projects/organisations supporting the participation of neurodiverse children and adults in their local communities.

The fund will be operated on behalf of the Department by Rethink Ireland. Organisations can make an application under the different strands through the Rethink Ireland website. Support for organisations to make an application will also be provided to organisations by Rethink Ireland.

Announcing the opening of the fund, Minister Rabbitte said:

“I am delighted to announce the launch of the next round of funding under the Disability Participation and Awareness Fund (DPAF). This funding has a strong focus on supporting people with disabilities to participate in their communities through arts, culture, sports, employment and apprenticeships.

Since I established the DPAF, I have been consistently impressed by the quality of the projects and initiatives being devised and led at a community level by organisations across Ireland. I am proud that the Disability Participation and Awareness Fund has been able to support so much of this great work over the past number of years. I look forward to seeing the projects which will emerge in this round of funding.

We are working this year again with Rethink Ireland on this important fund, and I encourage all organisations who may wish to apply to contact Rethink Ireland for support in making an application. Initiatives under this Fund make a tremendous impact in local communities, by encouraging and facilitating meaningful participation and inclusion of disabled people.”


The Disability Participation and Awareness Fund will be operated through Rethink Ireland and is open to non-profit organisations to support the participation and inclusion of disabled people in local communities, across four different strands.

Strand 1

Supporting community, sports and physical participation: Funding projects/organisations that improve and encourage the accessibility of, and participation in, community life for disabled persons.

Strand 2

Supporting participation in arts and cultural activities: Funding projects/organisations supporting arts and cultural activities, particularly those that foster awareness of the lived experiences of people with disabilities and that support the participation of people with disabilities in arts and culture.

Strand 3

Supporting employment and apprenticeships: Funding social enterprise initiatives to provide valuable employment experience or apprenticeships to people with disabilities.

Strand 4

Supporting projects/initiatives in the area of neurodiversity: Funding projects/organisations supporting the participation of neurodiverse children and adults in their local communities.

Further information on the fund can be found on Rethink Ireland’s website.

• Rethink Ireland will undertake a fund outreach to ensure maximum exposure for the fund, including the provision of webinars.

• Funding from €50,000 to €200,000 per project will be made available under each strand.

• This fund is open to organisations that are not-for-profit.