​ECCE-Only services: funding measures for the period 1st February – 5th March 2021

The funding agreement for ELC/SAC funding measures covering the period 1st February – 5th March is now available on the Early Years Hive until close of business on Friday, 26th February.

Please note that it is a requirement for your service to continue to receive/retain funding for the period 1st February to 5th March that you complete and return this funding agreement before 26th February.

The following payments are available to closed ECCE-only service providers, subject to agreement to the terms and conditions:

  • 100% payment for AIM
  • Continued payment of 70% of the value of current ECCE registrations
  • Access to Covid-19 Sustainability funding where a requirement is established

Please see the previous Announcement for further information and guidance.