**AIM Resources for Providers**

**AIM Resources for Providers**
AIM supports are provided through the ECCE programme. The main supports are grouped into universal or targeted supports.

**AIM Information for Providers

**Information for Providers**
The Access and Inclusion Model (AIM) ensures all children, regardless of disability can fully take part in mainstream pre-school. AIM helps pre-schools create an inclusive environment and provides supports to children to meaningfully participate in ECCE, the two year state funded pre-school programme.

​Quality Development applications coming soon on Hive

Quality Development applications coming soon on Hive

Look out for Quality Development applications coming soon on Hive.

In the coming weeks Service Providers can apply directly on Hive for Better Start Quality Development.

A ‘how to-guide’ and videos will be available on Hive to support settings to complete an online application

Covid-19 Support Helpline for ELC and SAC Providers

A reminder of the Covid-19 Support Helpline for ELC and SAC Providers – 1800 940341 is available from 10am – 1pm & 1.30pm – 4pm at the weekend

**Vacancy** at Tots To Teens ** CHILDCARE PRACTITIONERs

**Vacancy** at Tots To Teens ** CHILDCARE PRACTITIONERs
We have 2 permanent positions available, fulltime and part-time.

Public Consultation on a Review of Regulations for Early Learning and Care

Minister O’Gorman has announced the launch of a consultation seeking the public’s views on a review of the Regulations governing the Early Learning and Care (ELC) sector.
The review will primarily focus on strengthening of the enforcement powers of the Tusla Early Years Inspectorate to allow it to intervene more promptly where it has concerns about significant breaches of regulations by a service. The review will also take the opportunity to examine lessons learned from the implementation of the Regulations since 2016, looking particularly at areas for clarification or streamlining of the Regulations.
The consultation is open until 06 May, and further details can be found here:

** Carlow CCC Invites Childminders and minded Children to a Free Coffee Morning & play session

Carlow County Childcare Committee Invites Childminders and minded Children to a Free Coffee Morning & play session
Thursday 7th April 10am-11:30am at The Big Blue Barn, Carlow
Booking is essential- Contact Carlow CCC on 059 9140244 to book ☕️🥛🍼🙂