Covid-19 Support Helpline for ELC and SAC – 1800 940341 available from 10am – 1pm & 1.30pm – 4pm this weekend
Covid-19 Support Helpline for ELC and SAC – 1800 940341 available from 10am – 1pm & 1.30pm – 4pm this weekend.
Covid-19 Support Helpline for ELC and SAC – 1800 940341 available from 10am – 1pm & 1.30pm – 4pm this weekend.
DCEDIY Short Video reminders of Key messages around Covid-19 – • Making time for play
Minister O’Gorman recommends establishment of Joint Labour Committee for the Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School-Age Childcare (SAC) sector
From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
Published on 12 March 2021
Last updated on 12 March 2021
The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, T.D., has written to the Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, Damien English T.D., recommending the establishment of a Joint Labour Committee (JLC) for the early learning and care (ELC) and school-age childcare (SAC) sector.
The Programme for Government commits to supporting the establishment of a JLC for the sector.
The recommendation follows an 8-week pre-JLC consultation process initiated by the Minister in partnership with SIPTU and CSI/IBEC, and independently chaired by Dr Kevin Duffy, former Chair of the Labour Court. As part of the process, interested parties were invited to discuss how best to address issues of pay and conditions in the sector and how a JLC might support this.
Following the conclusion of the pre-JLC consultation process, Dr Duffy submitted to the Minister a report which recommends the establishment of a JLC.
If established, a JLC would provide an opportunity for SIPTU and CSI/IBEC to engage in negotiations on an Employment Regulation Order which could ultimately establish binding rates of pay and conditions for the sector.
Minister O’Gorman stated:
“I was pleased to read Dr Duffy’s report on the very positive progress that was made in the ‘Pre-JLC’ process that I initiated in partnership with SIPTU and CSI/IBEC. I would like to thank Dr Duffy and all the parties involved for their efforts and commitment.
“While there is still a distance to travel, today marks an important milestone in our journey towards improved pay and conditions for those working in the sector.”
He continued:
“Finding an appropriate mechanism to address pay and conditions is key to the ongoing professionalisation of the sector, and will underpin the delivery of quality services for children and families.”
Under the Industrial Relations Act 1946, the Minister for of State for Business, Employment and Retail has the power to apply to the Labour Court for the establishment of a JLC, and it is the statutory role of the Labour Court to determine the appropriateness of establishing a JLC in a given sector.
Early Years Hive Scheduled Maintenance
The Early Years Hive and the National Childcare Scheme website will be unavailable tomorrow, 11 March for a maximum of 4 hours between 5pm and 9pm due to scheduled maintenance.
After this time, you will need to refresh your web browser to access the portal again.
See below for the latest Info Blast from the National Child Safeguarding Programme.
The Info Blast focusses on returning to ELC and SAC services and how practitioners should take time to refamiliarise themselves with Child Safeguarding documentation.
This Info Blast is also available on their website
Better Start AIM has developed a Social Story™ on transitioning back to pre-school for practitioners, children and their parents.
The following resources can be downloaded on their website:
– Social Stories™ – Tip Sheet for Practitioners
– I am Going Back to Pre-school – Template for Practitioners
– I am Going Back to Pre-school – Blank template for Parents
Click this link for more information
Please see the link below to a video from DCEDIY on the phased reopening of early learning & care services and school age childcare services.