Provider FAQs – New funding arrangements for early learning and care services from 1 February to 5 March

Further to our related earlier email, we are writing to you again this afternoon to provide you with a new set of Provider FAQs relating to new funding arrangements for early learning and care services from 1 February to 5 March.

Kind regards

Early Years Comms Team
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

New funding arrangements for early learning and care services from 1 February to 5 March 2021

New funding arrangements for early learning and care services from 1 February to 5 March

Following Cabinet approval yesterday (26 January) for the continuation of additional measures under full Level 5 restrictions, the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, T.D., has announced  new funding  measures to support the early learning and childcare sector up to 5 March.

The Minister has also confirmed that the pre-school (ECCE) programme will continue to be suspended during these extended restrictions. Other early learning and childcare services can remain open for children whose parents work in an essential service and for vulnerable children.

The new funding arrangements are as follows:

  • Services open during this period will continue to receive 70% of the value of ECCE programme funding and 100% of funding provided under other Department schemes (i.e. the National Childcare Scheme (NCS), the Community Childcare Subvention Plus (CCSP), and the Access and Inclusion Model (AIM)) These services can also receive the additional 30% of the value of ECCE Programme funding if they commit to certain conditions that includes waiving fees for parents not using the service and retaining staff where possible.
  • Services closed during this period, where the closure is approved by the Department, will receive 70% of the value of ECCE programme funding and 100% of funding provided under other Department schemes (i.e. NCS, CCSP, and AIM). This funding will be conditional on a commitment to waive fees for parents and retain staff where possible.
  • A newly designed Covid-19 Support Payment is being put in place to support some providers with a significant reliance on parental fee income to waive fees during this period while remaining sustainable.

Central to the funding arrangements is the enhanced EWSS, which early learning and childcare providers continue to be eligible to access without having to demonstrate reduction in turnover as other employers do.  The enhanced EWSS is estimated to cover 80% of payroll costs or 50% of full operating costs of these services.

In designing these funding supports, Minister O’Gorman engaged with the Early Learning and Childcare COVID-19 Advisory Group.

These funding arrangements will apply up to 5 March in line with the Government’s announcement and reflect the unique challenges and demands facing the sector.

We are finalising detailed FAQs on these new funding arrangement and will send them to you later today.

Details of the funding arrangement for the period 1 February to 5 March 2021.

The funding arrangements described below is designed to ensure that the significant public money which is being invested in services at this time is structured in a fair and balanced way.

Central to these funding arrangements is the enhanced Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme, which early learning and childcare providers continue to be eligible to access, without having to demonstrate reduction in turnover as other employers do.  All providers are encouraged to avail of this scheme which significantly contributes to payroll costs, covering at least 80% of average wage costs in most instances.
i. Open Services (Non-ECCE only, for children whose parents are essential workers and vulnerable children

Standard funding:

Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS);

+ 70% of the value of ECCE funding

+ 100% of NCS, CCSP, TEC, AIM funding

Enhanced funding:

Remaining 30% of the value of ECCE funding

+ Covid-19 Support Payment (CSP)*

* for services with high degrees of reliance on parental fees

Enhanced funding is conditional on commitments to: waive fees for non-participating children; hold children’s places; retain staff

ii.  Closed Services, DCEDIY-approved closure (i.e. ECCE only or closed due to Force Majeure)

Standard funding:


Enhanced funding:

+ 70% of the value of ECCE funding

+ 100% funding NCS, CCSP, TEC and AIM;

+ Covid-19 Support Payment (CSP)*

*for services with high degrees of reliance on parental fees

Enhanced funding is conditional on commitments to: waive all fees; hold children’s places; retain staff; engage with ECCE children not attending the service

iii. Closed Services, HSE-directed on public health grounds

Standard funding:

Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS);

+ 70% of the value of ECCE funding

+ 100% of NCS, CCSP, TEC, AIM funding

Enhanced funding:

Remaining 30% of the value of ECCE funding

+ Covid-19 Support Payment (CSP)*

* for services with high degrees of reliance on parental fees

Enhanced funding is conditional on commitments to: waive all fees; hold children’s places; retain staff

iv. Closed Services not DCEDIY-approved or HSE-directed

Standard funding:




Announcing the Level 7 Bachelor of Arts in Applied Early Childhood Education and Care – One Year programme

Carlow CCC are happy to announce that the one year Level 7 Bachelor of Arts in Applied Early Childhood Education & Care will commence in IT Carlow in September 2021. This programme will be part funded again in 2021/22 by Carlow Kilkenny Skillnet.

This is an excellent opportunity for those working in the Early Years sector in Co. Carlow to upskill to degree level.

Application Form Level 7 Bachelor of Arts in Applied Early Childhood Education and Care 2021



First5 website Childminding Section updated 25/01/2021

The following Childminding resources on the First 5 website have been updated and are available under the Childminding Section:

  • Covid-19 Childminding Guidelines
  • Covid-19 Infection Control Policy for Childminders in line with HPSC guidance
  • Sample Childminding Covid-19 Control between Childminder and Parent
  • Childminding Risk Assessment Template

See below Link :

​Essential Maintenance tomorrow Friday 22nd January 4pm onwards on the Early Years Hive, PIP Portal & EYPC phone lines

​Essential Maintenance

The Early Years Hive and the PIP Portal will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance on Friday, 22 January at 4pm for a maximum of 4-5 hours.

EYPC phone lines will also be unavailable during this time.

The NCS Parent Portal and the NCS Parent Support Centre will be unaffected.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your cooperation.

Early Years Team

National Parents Council Primary – Survey to Parents on how your child is experiencing remote teaching and learning.

National Parents Council Primary are supporting the Department of Education Inspectorate to find out about parents views on remote teaching and learning, by circulating this survey to parents of pupils in primary, post-primary and special schools. If you have a child in primary, post primary and special schools please complete this survey, it will only take a few minutes.

The Department want to find out how your child is experiencing remote teaching and learning. What you think as a parent is very important to the Department. It will help the Department to advise schools on how to further develop their provision for remote teaching and learning.

The survey will only take you a few minutes to complete. It is completely anonymous and no one else, other than you, will know about your answers.

Click here to complete the survey…/remote_teaching…

Please note the survey will remain live until 9am on Friday the 22nd of January.

If you have more than one child attending a primary, post-primary or a special school, please feel free to complete a survey for each child.

Thank you for taking this survey.


Local Special Educational Needs Organiser (SENO) from the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) to Host Online Information session

The NCSE will host a Parental Information Session for parents of children with special educational needs who are due to start school in September 2021.

This online session is for Carlow parents, using the Adobe Connect platform, on Wednesday 3rd February at 10 am.

See Below link:

Flyer for information sessions Carlow

National Parents Council Primary are running free online interactive workshops on “Supporting parents to support their children’s mental health and wellbeing”,

National Parents Council Primary are running free online interactive workshops on “Supporting parents to support their children’s mental health and wellbeing”, a training programme by NPC in conjunction with St. Patrick’s Mental Health services.
This programme supports parents to encourage and promote positive mental health and wellbeing in their children. The programme also explores how the building of resilience in children helps them to manage and cope with the day to day stresses of life as they occur.
Parents who attend this session will:
Explore the factors that influence mental health and wellbeing in their child.
Learn how to build and nurture resilience within their own child.
Be given tips on how best to support their child’s positive mental health and wellbeing.
The sessions are taking place online via Zoom at 8PM on Wednesday and Thursday, and at 10AM on Thursday and Friday this week.
Just click on the link below to register.
Each session will have limited numbers for discussion and questions, and places will be offered on a first come first serve basis.


VALCHILD – Free on-line Event for Childminders






Early Childhood Ireland is delighted to host a free online event introducing the tools developed from a KA2 European funded project called VALCHILD. The VALCHILD project aims to increase the quality, supply and accessibility of vocational education and training for childminders by providing guidance and resources for personalised learning pathways.

Online Zoom meeting on Tuesday, 26 January from 7pm – 8.30pm

Register here

Press release Minister O’Gorman announces almost €67m in youth funding for 2021 18/01/2021

Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman T.D., has today confirmed that €66.8 million in funding has been made available to support the provision of youth services nationwide in 2021. This investment increases financial support for both youth services and youth clubs, as well as ensuring further strengthening and development of UBU Your Place Your Space, universal service provision and youth information.

Click on the below link to view the details

Press-release Minister-O Gorman Press Release